When emergencies occur, it’s better to be prepared. In case that happens, you want to be able to rely on the efficiency of your firefighting equipment to ensure the adequate water supply at required pressure. Ruhrpumpen is a world leading specialist in the design and manufacture of fire protection pump packages.
Their durable fire water pumps offer a reliable solution to thousands of commercial, residential and industrial facilities worldwide.
When emergencies occur, it’s better to be prepared. In case that happens, you want to be able to rely on the efficiency of your firefighting equipment to ensure an adequate water supply at the required pressure. Ruhrpumpen is a world-leading specialist in the design and manufacture of fire protection pump packages.
Their durable fire water pumps offer a reliable solution to thousands of commercial, residential, and industrial facilities worldwide.
Ruhrpumpen’s complete range of fire protection solutions include electric and diesel fire pumps in horizontal configurations, such as their Split Case Fire Pumps; or in vertical configurations as their Vertical Turbine Fire Pumps. Additionally, fire protection pumps are available as single pumping units or as complete Packaged Fire Systems with or without enclosure, in both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
Our team can design, manufacture and assemble these to perfectly match the specific requirements of any fire suppression application.
They can be skid-mounted fire pumps or fully housed packaged systems ready for installation. In addition, heavy fabricated steel bases are available. These allow mounting of the pump and driver with a flexible shaft coupling.
We offer fire fighting pumps and packages for every industry:
UL FM fire pumps play a critical role in water-based fire protection systems, particularly in industrial facilities with valuable assets and bulk products. These tested and certified pump sets typically employ heavy-duty centrifugal pumps, multistage pumps, and booster pumps to increase the pressure of a water source.
When a fire occurs, pressure switches activate the pump, drawing in water and increasing its pressure. This high-pressure water is then directed through a network of pipes and sprinklers, hose reel system, or other fire suppression systems.
After the fire is extinguished and pressure rebuilds, the pump deactivates. Following guidelines from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and pump manufacturers is crucial for proper operation.
The components of our fire pump, including the impeller, shaft, casing, and bowls, are offered in both standard and specialised metallurgies to cater to distinct applications. The standard materials include:
Metallurgies available for sea or brackish water applications and harsh environments:
For over 25 years, Hunter Pumps Industrial has been providing comprehensive solutions tailored specifically for industrial fire pump systems. Our UL FM fire pumps, built using precise calibration instruments, comply with various required standards. Our services encompass everything from preliminary planning, on-site data collection, pump sizing and selection, to skid fabrication, components assembly, and rigorous system testing, ensuring nationwide customer satisfaction.
With Hunter Pumps Industrial, you’re not just buying a product, but investing in peace of mind. Don’t compromise on safety – contact us today to discuss your specific needs.
Get in touch with Hunter Pumps to schedule your free pump assessment
Contact Hunter Pumps today
Hunter Pumps provides different fire pump setups - electric, diesel, and jockey control panels for systems with single or multiple drivers. These configurations allow for entirely automatic or manual operation, serving a broad range of industrial, commercial, and residential needs.
UL (Underwriters Laboratories) and FM (Factory Mutual) are certifications for fire safety equipment. UL tests devices for safety hazards, ensuring they meet stringent standards. FM Approvals, part of an international insurance company, certifies that products meet high quality and performance standards based on rigorous testing and objective criteria. Both provide assurance of safety and effectiveness in firefighting equipment.
Yes, Hunter Pumps fire pump systems can be installed outdoors. They offer skid-mounted fire systems with flexible installation options to suit different environmental conditions and customer needs.
Opt for a pre-packaged fire system for tailor-made solutions meeting safety regulations. These systems offer plug-and-play installation with fire pump models, drivers, control systems, and pipework on a common base for a seamless setup.
Across-the-line electric panels deliver full voltage to kickstart the motor, resulting in high starting torque and current. Soft start panels gradually ramp up voltage, minimising the initial surge and mechanical strain on the motor for a smoother start and longer lifespan.
Yes, Ruhrpumpen’s diesel and electric panels are UL/ULC listed, approved by FM and CSA, meeting or exceeding NFPA-20 and NFPA-70 requirements for top safety and reliability in fire protection systems.
Hunter Pumps: Your premier provider of industrial pump solutions.
Count on us for industrial pump repairs, preventative servicing, and regular maintenance of industrial pump systems.